Self Development Program
Transform your life in just 8 weeks with our comprehensive online self-development program. Grounded in mindfulness and DBT principles, our program empowers you to cultivate a greater emotional resilience and personal growth. Through a careful curated curriculum and interactive exercises, you'll learn how to manage stress, enhance relationships and foster self-awareness. Enroll today and invest in your future self!
Start Your Transformation Journey
Pay now and begin your 8 week program today! Click the button below to make payment, and you will receive your first email.

The programme runs for 8 weeks.
Each day an email will be sent to you with information and skills for change & inspiration.
As all information is sent via email, you can save it and you can go at your own pace.
All you need is 15 minutes a day
Direct email contact with a clinical psychologist is included
Only R550 for the entire program.
Knowledge on how to set and stick to goals
Skills to change the way you think
Understanding of people to improve your relationships
Control over your emotions
Techniques for balance and inner peace
Improved decision making and communication
Techniques to reduce stress and increase power of your actions
Increased self awareness for improved confidence
Skills to continue long term change

Just as a muscle needs frequent strength training to become stronger, our brains need frequent ‘thought gym’ to create change. By practicing skills daily we are able to actually change the structure of our brains. This program changes the structure of your brain by facilitating the creation of new patterns.​
Watch Psychologist Chevonne discuss how we can change our behaviours by changing our brain patterns.
Make a quick and easy payment of R550 and your first email will be sent directly to you.
Make an EFT
Meaningful Minds
First National Bank
Account : 62552108500
Branch Code: 250655
Send us your
proof of payment to
Pay via Yoco
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