Making Your 2021 Resolutions Stick
At the start of the year, we are full of motivation to become better versions of ourselves. New year – New Me. Lets fast forward a few...

15 Questions to help you reflect on 2018
As we approach the end of the year, we have the perfect opportunity to reflect and consider just what we have experienced. For some it...

Panic Attacks
1 out of 75 people suffer from panic attacks. It most likely that you know of someone who has experienced such anxiety.Beverley,...

Life patterns - How they develop
Does your life consist of certain themes which reoccur? Do you find yourself undergoing similar dramas or predicaments that you play out...

Is physical illness a sign of mental strain?
Is there a link between physical illness and psychological stress? Meaningful Minds Clinical Psychologist Melissa Cilliers, looks at how...

A Tip on How to Be Present
Do you often find yourself drifting off during conversation? Or maybe you can't remember what you did yesterday or even an hour ago? ...

A way to deal with self-pity
Life would not be life without some adversity. We all suffer moments of hardship; for some, the moments seem to linger longer or deeper...