Prioritizing Mental Health during Lockdown
Prioritizing your Mental Health during Lockdown We are currently experiencing a time of great uncertainty and anxiety. From health...

Panic Attacks
1 out of 75 people suffer from panic attacks. It most likely that you know of someone who has experienced such anxiety.Beverley,...

Tips to beat anxiety
We have all felt anxious at some point in time. Some people experience this more than others. No matter the severity there are things...

Taking a closer look at anxiety
Feeling anxious or stressed is a common human experience. However, there are different types of anxiety, which vary in different degrees....

8 Week Mindfulness Workshop
Learn the skills to help you live your life with purpose, meaning and connection. What is Mindfulness? ​ Mindfulness is the ability to...

What are cognitive distortions and how do we fix them?
Do you find yourself stuck in irrational patterns of thinking? Fixed in black and white thinking without being able to find shades of...

Overcoming Social Phobia
Clinical Psychologist Melissa Cilliers looks at the what social phobia is and how to manage it.

Tame your toddler's night time anxiety
Learn how to help your toddler overcome night time anxiety in this blog by Meaningful Minds Psychologist- Chevonne Powell. As published...

10 Quick tips on how to approach an exam paper
At Meaingful Minds,we see many people facing stress and anxiety when approaching exams or tests. If you know of any students like these,...