3 Frequently Asked Questions regarding Educational Psychology
People are often confused by the different types of Psychologists, along with their relevant areas of expertise. Haley Swartz from...
Understanding Couples Therapy
Relationships are a mystery to many of us. It is a lovely and sometimes cruel mystery which we can’t help but strive for. This mystery...
What are the cons of technology and the pros of free play for my child?
Free play is proven to have helped children around the world develop physically, mentally and emotionally. This development can be...
What really happens in the therapy room?
During my time in practice, I have noticed that many clients come into therapy with an idea of what therapy is. This idea is commonly...
How to raise a moral child
When turning on the news or opening a newspaper, we repeatedly hear about and see images of murder, theft, abuse, corruption, and...
10 Simple ways to overcome worry
We all have worries; from financial to relationships to employment. Some people worry constantly or are in a state of anxiety all of the...
Sharing in caring
Give it here! No, that’s mine! But he can’t have it! Sound familiar? That’s because when it comes to sharing, toddlers find it quite...
A way to deal with self-pity
Life would not be life without some adversity. We all suffer moments of hardship; for some, the moments seem to linger longer or deeper...
Four misconceptions about counselling psychologists
You are going through a difficult period in your life and decide that you may benefit from a little extra support. Hence, you consult...
Learn how to say "No", by developing healthy boundaries
How easy is it for you to say no? Are you able to set a limit that you feel happy about? Or are you often left feeling burdened by the...