Psychological Assessments
Psychological Assessments
A psychological assessment involves the use of various techniques to determine or identify an individual’s emotional functioning, intellectual ability, aptitude, personality style, interests or behaviour. The type of assessment administered provides information to guide psychological interventions or treatment and inform life challenges or adjustments. Only trained and registered professionals are able to administer and interpret psychological assessments.
Each assessment differs in duration and price. To find out about a specific type of assessment contact us.
A psychoeducational assessment looks at a child’s strengths and weaknesses in order to provide them with learning support or referrals to assist them in any aspect of their development. This kind of assessment looks at a child’s cognitive ability (their learning potential or “IQ”), their academic functioning at school, as well as their social and emotional wellbeing.
Psychoeducational assessments can help with the following:
Identifying barriers to learning
Diagnosing learning challenges such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, etc
Screening for emotional difficulties or diagnoses such as anxiety or depression
Identifying the need for referrals for Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or pharmacological support from a Psychiatrist or Developmental Pediatrician
Providing recommendations for school placements (e.g., a remedial or special school)
Providing recommendations for learning support (e.g., remedial therapy, a tutor, classroom support)
A psychoeducational assessment begins with a 60-minute intake interview with both parents to gather relevant background information. The assessment with the child usually takes 6 to 7 hours and is spread over two sessions, preferably in the morning. A 60-minute parent feedback session follows the assessment. Assessment reports are usually completed within 2 weeks.
Meaningful Minds provides psychoeducational assessments for children from age 6 to age 18.
An accommodations (concessions) assessment determines what support a high school learner qualifies for in formal tests and examinations, including final Matric examinations. The assessment can be used for both IEB (independent schools) and GDE (government schools) accommodations and consists of a cognitive (“IQ”) assessment and a number of academic assessments testing skills associated with reading, writing, spelling and Mathematics.
Some of the accommodations (concessions) that a high school learner may qualify for include:
Amanuensis (reader and scribe)
Additional time (to accommodate slow work pace, ADHD, anxiety, etc)
Mathematics exemption
Prompter (to accommodate learners with ADHD or attention challenges)
Separate venue
Spelling accommodation
Technology assistance (e.g. use of computer, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, etc)
Typing accommodation
An accommodations assessment begins with a 60-minute intake interview with both parents to gather relevant background information. The assessment with the adolescent follows the test battery prescribed by the IEB/GDE and takes 5 to 7 hours, spread over two sessions (preferably in the morning). A 60-minute parent feedback session follows the assessment. Assessment reports are usually completed within 2 weeks.
Meaningful Minds provides accommodations assessments for high school learners from age 13 to age 18.
Meaningful Minds provides Subject Choice Assessments for Grade 9 learners choosing school subjects and Career Assessments for high school learners from Grade 10 to Matric. Career Assessments are also provided for tertiary students, young adults and adults already established in a career. Tests of aptitude, personality and interest are included in the assessment to help clients to choose careers based on their own preferences and life experience. Career Counselling sessions following the assessment can help clients to construct a career story for themselves that is meaningful and to design a satisfying career based on their knowledge of themselves and their goals for the future.
For adolescents, a career assessment begins with a 30-minute initial interview with parents and the adolescent. The career assessment takes 3 to 6 hours depending on the inclusion of an aptitude test and is completed over two sessions (preferably in the morning for the aptitude test). A 60-minute feedback session with parents and the adolescent follows the assessment. Adolescents may request a separate 60-minute feedback session. Assessment reports are usually completed within 2 weeks. Adolescents may book follow-up 60-minute career counselling sessions after the assessment as needed.
For tertiary students or adults, the career assessment takes 3 to 6 hours depending on the inclusion of an aptitude test and is completed over two sessions (preferably in the morning for the aptitude test). A 60-minute feedback session follows the assessment. Assessment reports are usually completed within 2 weeks. Follow-up 60-minute career counselling sessions may be booked after the assessment as needed.
Meaningful Minds provides career assessments and career counselling for adolescents (Grade 8 to Matric), young adults at tertiary level, and adults of all ages.
These are assessments that are used for court purposes. Forensic assessments include cases for the family
court as well as cases with regard to negligence or injury.
A neuropsychological assessment evaluates an individual’s cognitive functioning and is used to evaluate the consequences of brain injury or damage.
Please contact us for more detail with regard to any of the above assessments.